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Welcome to the Quantitative Imaging Research Lab Innsbruck (QIRLI)!

At the Quantitative Imaging Research Lab Innsbruck, we are dedicated to advancing the field of medical imaging through the development, validation, and application of cutting-edge quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques.

Our lab is located at the Department of Radiology of the Medical University of Innsbruck. This enables a direct collaboration between experts in MRI physics, image processing, computer science, biomedical engineering, and clinical medicine.

  • Invited lecture at the ESMRMB 2024

    Invited lecture at the ESMRMB 2024

    I will give a lecture on Non-MRI methods for validation for qMRI: from preparation to histology at this years ESMRMB meeting in Barcelona. For more information visit


  • FWF project

    FWF project

    I am excited that Dr. Claudia Lenz and I received funding from the FWF and SNF for our joint project on “The role of tissue anisotropy in quantitative brain MRI”!
